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Thursday, March 13, 2008


We're on vacation in "sunny" Oregon! Actually we haven't seen much sun, but we expect that at the coast. Have visited a couple of yarn stores here at the coast, and got invited to come to one of the stores knitting groups this Friday night. We're going to try to make it, but we leave early Saturday so we may not have the time. I bought this yarn at Nestucca Bay yarns in Lincoln City. I think it's made by one of the owners. Very nice yarn. Love the colorway (sunset) and it knits up well.
We may try to go to another yarn store on the way home, but we'll see how we're doing on time.
Not much else going on in the way of craftiness; we've been busy on vacationing. I've been posting daily updates on my other blog. I'm off to go play "Spy" with the kids!

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