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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And The Ribbon Goes To......

I have to admit, I stayed up late tonight waiting for my daughter to come home from the Fair. She went tonight to see how her socks did that she entered. She received a blue ribbon, as well as receiving the overall champion ribbon. I'm so proud of her!! Yes, very proud, but really, how did I do, I ask. Well, as usual I received a participant ribbon for my photograph. There are so many photos I really think I am done entering those. But, for my knitted pair of socks I received Second Place!!! And, my scrapbook page layout received Second Place as well!! Ok, that deserves a picture. Or Two. Yep, I have a smile on my face.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations ladies! Your work is outstanding. You should feel very proud!

Faye's Crafti Corner said...

Congrats Arlene, your layout is awesome. Great job for trying out and hey good luck with spinning.